Empowering Connectivity Everywhere at Connect(X) 2024

2 min read
7/17/24 8:00 AM

We provide hybrid power for critical infrastructure to ensure connectivity for all.

At Connect (X) 2024, our team at HCI Energy enjoyed sharing our renewable power solutions and how they help pave the way towards a future where connectivity is accessible for all. This conference united top leaders and innovators in the wireless and connectivity industry, providing a vibrant forum for sharing insights, breakthroughs, and forging new connections. We shared how our solutions integrate renewable energy sources to create reliable power solutions that supply vital connectivity to anyone, anywhere in the world.

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We enjoyed delving into the challenges of supplying power to cell sites, the reliability of renewable energy, and the feasibility of power-as-a-service models, as HCI Energy's Heather Wilkins and fellow panelists shared their thoughts during an insightful panel conversation. Connect (X) 2024 was not only a chance to learn from industry peers but also to reinforce our collective mission of making connectivity accessible to all communities. HCI's hybrid power solutions are designed to support vital infrastructure, ensuring reliable connectivity even in regions without viable commercial power.

Earlier this month, the HCI team proudly exhibited at the CANTO 39th Annual Conference & Trade Exhibition. This event united leaders dedicated to achieving digital equity and universal power access. Our solutions are crafted with a focus on energy sovereignty, leveraging renewable energy sources to deliver reliable, sustainable power. This approach minimizes dependency on fossil fuels, enhances energy security, and bolsters the resilience of remote and underserved areas. We were excited to be a part of this conversation and connect with leaders to drive energy sovereignty for all!

Learn more about HCI's impact in our recent press release

With a proven track-record of providing non-stop power for public safety, military, telecom and service operations, our team has experience working with clients across diverse industries. HCI was recently also one of the thirteen chosen organizations out of 700 submissions in the Commercial Solutions Opening to exhibit at the AFWERX Showcase Challenge on Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Demonstrating high-reliability, uninterrupted power solutions aimed at addressing challenges for expedient basing needs, HCI Energy is honored to have shared our products with the Department of Defense and various innovation partners. To learn more about HCI's exhibition at this event and our solution's impact in our recent press release!

More About HCI

Reliable Connectivity, Nonstop Power for Everyone

HCI Energy's hybrid renewable power solutions are essential for maintaining the continuous functionality of crucial communication systems and universal access to connectivity. Whether you're establishing a network in a pre-grid, off-grid, or unstable grid environment, HCI Energy provides comprehensive hybrid renewable power solutions that operate continuously in order for communities to continue to develop and thrive. Learn more

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