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5 Biggest Risks of Backup Batteries

Written by HCI Energy | 7/11/22 2:00 PM

When using lead-acid batteries in your power system, it is essential to replace them every five years. But, what happens when your batteries don’t last five years? In this instance, something has gone wrong, and your battery’s lifespan has suffered because of it. This is frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive. Many people turn to backup batteries, however, it is important to note that there are many risks that come with backup batteries. Keep reading to take a look at the five biggest risks of backup batteries, so that you can make the most informed decision for your organization. 

The Risks of Backup Batteries

Removing Backup Batteries Can be Risky

When using backup batteries, the input transformer is going to be removed. The input transformer is important because this part of the machine has the ability to stop the system if there is a problem with it. For example, if something shorts, the input transformer is going to signal that the machine needs to power down. So, if you’re using backup batteries, then there is a risk when you’re removing them that something will go wrong.

There Might Be Over-cycling 

When you’re operating a battery, you’re going to run the risk that the battery will be over-cycled, and this means that the battery’s capacity decreases over time because of overcharging or overuse.

You Run the Risk of  Improper Float Voltage

When you have a battery, every manufacturer is going to specify the specific charging voltage ranges. However, if you’ve got a battery that is continuously charged outside of the range that the manufacturer specifies, then you’re going to damage it. If you do not adhere to the manufacturer’s orders, you run the risk of your battery’s life decreasing. 

You Might Install the Battery Incorrectly

When you’re using a lead-acid battery, that battery is used for specific types of systems. If you install your battery in a system that is not equipped to handle your battery, then you’re going to damage it and the respective appliance that you install your battery in. It is important that you only use batteries in systems that they are conducive with, otherwise you’ll run the risk of having problems. 

You Run the Risk of Having a High Ambient Temperature 

Batteries are meant to have a certain ambient temperature, and for every fifteen degrees that you go over the recommended ambient temperature, you’re going to reduce the lifespan of your battery by fifteen percent. It is important to remember the ambient temperature of your battery and to adhere to your battery’s ambient temperature. Otherwise, you run the risk of affecting your battery’s lifespan.

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