Mission Critical Hybrid Power Systems That Transform Communities

Delivered Ready to Deploy - Anywhere

Mission Critical Hybrid Power Delivered Ready to Deploy Anywhere

Ready. Reliable. Renewable.

HCI Energy provides continuous, turnkey, eco-friendly power for critical missions around the world. We combine the latest in power technology and renewable sources to ensure round-the-clock, uninterrupted power that lowers operational cost while facilitating crucial business and community operations. 

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Uninterrupted Power for Communication Lifelines

"This technology has given us much more capacity, flexibility, and protection from the issues and risks associated with relying on commercial power and traditional backup power systems." 

Statewide Interoperability Coordinator, West Virginia

Products At-a-Glance


Hybrid Power Shelter™

Providing more than just power... our hybrid shelters are a mission control platform.

Zero-glitch Power Module™

The core of every HCI power system.
Also available as standalone back-up-power.

Cabinet Options

Single/multi-tenant capacity.
Shown with optional solar.


"During the storm, power was down, but thankfully HCI's integrated Hybrid Power Shelter was able to immediately power the communications equipment for four days and could have kept running for several weeks."



Read Case Study

HCI Supports Government Programs and Initiatives

When you include our Hybrid Power Shelter and ZPM in your project, you may qualify for tax credits!

Featured News, Blogs & Insights

Powering Telecom in Harsh, Off-grid Environments
power telecom infrastructure in harsh winter environments

Powering Telecom in Harsh, Off-grid Environments

2/24/25 10:55 AM
HCI Energy Honors the Engineers Behind Our Work for National Engineers Week
HCI Energy Honors Engineers National Engineers Week

HCI Energy Honors the Engineers Behind Our Work for National Engineers Week

2/19/25 5:02 AM
2025 Telecom Business Case for Hybrid Power Systems
Telecom Biz Case Header 1.30.25-2

2025 Telecom Business Case for Hybrid Power Systems

1/30/25 11:22 AM

From the arctic to remote islands, HCI provides continuous, renewable power anywhere.

We're putting the power in your hands. Get in touch for more information!